In 2 words?... not funny!
Firstly, lets start with the positive.
It looked really good and nicely animated.
The negative?...
Totally lacked humour, seriously, did not laugh once throughout. Sure I smiled once or twice at the odd rare moment of originality, but they alas were far too few and far between.
This smacks of style over substance.
This will leave a lot of the Nin10doh fans very confused since the previous efforts were genuinely funny and this just frankly isn't.
I sincerely hope that the current score (4.45/5) is largely due to people rating on the visuals, alas however I suspect a lot of brown nosing with that score. Similar to the scores Egoraptor gets for his recent horrifically weak work.
Next time, perhaps give up on the looks and work more on the actual content.
My rating is based entirely on the polished look of the content and the missing stars are all entirely based on the lack of humour in this.